Report: OpenAI could be facing a NYT lawsuit over ChatGPT

OpenAI has been operating ChatGPT for a while now and it has been the subject of many articles over the past year. One of the ways OpenAI has trained ChatGPT is by using it to scrape the internet for all the knowledge and words that it can. Part of that scraping includes our small website along with massive websites like The New York Times.

Now, a new report from Ars Technica claims that the NYT’s may be readying a lawsuit against OpenAI for content scraping. It was just a few weeks ago that the NYT’s updated its terms of service to prohibit AI companies from scraping its website.

According to Ars Technica, “The result, experts speculate, could be devastating to OpenAI, including the destruction of ChatGPT’s dataset and fines up to $150,000 per infringing piece of content. NPR spoke to two people “with direct knowledge” who confirmed that the Times’ lawyers were mulling whether a lawsuit might be necessary “to protect the intellectual property rights” of the Times’ reporting.”


Report: OpenAI could be facing a NYT lawsuit over ChatGPT
Is AI the future?

If this lawsuit were to happen, it would be massive and far-reaching. We can only speculate as to what could happen. The worst would be OpenAI shuts down ChatGPT until it can figure out a way to train it without using other people’s content. The more likely outcome would be that OpenAI would compensate websites it scrapes for training ChatGPT.

It’s an interesting line, we are far from copyright law experts so it will be interesting to see where this ends up going. For now, you can head over to Ars Technica to read the full, more in-depth coverage of this situation.
