9 reasons you must create a blog for your business

While having a great product is important; getting the word out there is even more important.

Did you know that having a blog can increase your chances of getting consumers interested in your product by up to 126 percent? Unfortunately, quite a good number of entrepreneurs are still under the impression that having a good product is all it takes to get consumers eating out of the palm of their hand.

While having a great product is important; getting the word out there is even more important. This is where having a blog comes in. Statistics indicate that businesses that blog regularly receive 67% more leads than those that don’t.

Here are the 9 reasons why you must create a blog for your business

1. Building Trust and Credibility

By engaging your customers through your blog and providing them with useful information, you will be indirectly telling them that you are an expert in your field.

This will not only help you build trust and credibility, but you will also be making a case for why consumers should opt for your brand over your competitors.

And since up to 90 percent of consumers read online reviews before purchasing from a business, having numerous positive reviews from your previous customers will go a long way in getting you even more customers without you engaging in any form of marketing.

 2. Creating Value

Consumers are more than likely to be loyal to brands that show they care about them. This means that you are not just looking to sell to your customers, but to also improve their lives as well.

Blogging gives you the avenue to provide useful information that customers can utilize to enhance the quality of their lives. This communicates to the customer that you aren’t just after their money.

Understandably, it can be difficult to come up with impactful blogging topics every other day. Utilize this resource to help you in those efforts.

3. Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO), is arguably the holy grail of digital marketing. Simply put, SEO is the various techniques that search engines utilize to rank websites on the internet. The higher you rank, the more leads you will have to your website.

Statistics indicate that 75 percent of all clicks go to the first page of search results. This means that if your web pages are not ranking on the first page of search results, you will have lost over 75 percent of all potential leads.

Therefore, by creating valuable content through your blog, you will be improving your ranking on search engine results pages, thereby allowing you to increase the amount of traffic to your site.

4. Email Marketing

In the bid to convert leads into customers, you can utilize email marketing for that process. If you are providing valuable info to your customers, they will be more willing to subscribe to your updates on email.

Therefore, by requesting their email addresses, you will be building a customer base that you can market your products to without a lot of hassle.

5. Generating Backlinks

Having pages that link back to your website is another way of appreciating your SEO efforts. A great blog will have other sites linking to you since it will allow you to establish yourself as a viable source of information.

More backlinks mean that you will have more traffic flowing to your site, thereby giving you more leads to convert into customers.

blog business

6. Lead Conversion

The process of converting your target audience into customers typically involves the following stages:

  • Awareness
  • Consideration
  • Decision

Blogging has been found to be incredibly instrumental in all of those stages. For example, when looking to create or increase awareness about your product, you can blog about useful tips or a guide to using that product. This will attract consumers and get them interested in your particular brand.

Even though you might have their interest, you will still need to encourage them during the consideration stage. To help you do that, you can blog about ‘how-to’ topics as they will give the potential customer more info about your product.

As mentioned, most customers prefer using products that have been endorsed by other customers. This is the decision stage of lead conversion, and having a blog that contains reviews by previous customers will greatly influence your target customer’s decision.

7. Building Your Network with Influencer Marketing

In today’s world, where social media platforms have become part and parcel of society, people with large followings on those social channels typically have a massive influence on their followers. Such individuals are known as influencers.

If you could get an influencer to endorse your product, you can expect a massive increase in interest in your product.

You can give your product to an influencer in exchange for a blog post where they review your product and company. You can then provide links to such articles on your blog to build credibility.

8. Getting Feedback

A blog also allows you to have a platform where customers can give their feedback about their experience with your product or company.

This will not only help convince potential customers to purchase from you but will also allow you to know about the areas that need improving. It also enhances the customer experience since allowing them to share their feedback on your site indicates that your business cares about their opinion.

9. Staying Ahead of the Competition

Blogging about useful topics regularly allows you to stay on the minds of your customers. This ensures that they are not as willing to try out other brands. When you are not engaging them regularly, you risk losing some relevance.

As such, make sure you are doing more than your competitors when it comes to engaging your target audience. Blogging is one of the easiest ways of doing that.

Bottom Line

In today’s world, where people will first Google a product before purchasing it, you better be among the businesses providing valuable information about that product and related topics. This will allow you to get more leads to your site and, subsequently, more conversions. Unfortunately, you cannot do that if your business does not have a blog.
